Invitation to the Tender of the International Girl and Boy Volleyball Tournament


Date of Competition: 21st-23rd August 2025 (Beachvolley Eotvos Cup: 18th, 19th August 2025) 

    Place of Competition: Hungary

* Debrecen, Derecske, Hajdϊbφszφrmιny, Kaba, Pόspφkladαny


 The Aim of the Competition:

-         popularization of volleyball

-         facilities for competing and playing

-         meeting and making friends between the members of the Hungarian and Foreign teams

-         chance to show their talent

-         win the 29th Eφtvφs Cup

 Attendants of the Competition:

National select teams, sportsclubs, schools of which boy and girl players were born after 1st January, 2009. Altogether, maximum 16 girl and 16 boy teams can take part in the competition.  



For teams of Hungarian sportsclubs: Sport Certificate. For Hungarian school teams: Student- and ID Card. For Foreign teams: Passport is necessary.

Please, note that the trainers always have to keep the certifications by themselves.

Medical certificate is needed in every case.

Drawing of lots, Checking of Certificates: 21st August 2025 (8:00 - 11:00 AM)

Place: DSZC Beregszαszi Pαl Technikum (Debrecen, Jerikσ street 17.)   


Organizer of the Competition: Eφtvφs DSE                   


Course of Competition:

The game starts with group matches. Every team plays with all of the teams within the group. The final order is formed when the teams create new groups on the basis of their former places. Every match takes for 2 won games.


Prize:  All the teams win cups. 1st -3rd places: the players and the trainers win medals. Every team gets a diploma of merit. All of the trainers and players get some gifts at the tournament.


Extra Prizes: 6 players, who get into the Selected Team of the Tournament

(Remuneration boys and girls is separate.)


Entry: As soon as possible, but latest until 30 June 2025.

Maximum 16 girl & boy teams can take part in the competition, that is why the entries are accepted in the order of the entry fee.

   (Entrance-fees can be paid on the spot, too.)

                Bank Account number: 60600084-14000058

                Swift code: TAKBHUHBXXX

                IBAN code: HU90 60600084-14000058-00000000

                   Name of the Bank: MHB Bank.

                Name of the authorized: Eφtvφs DSE, Debrecen, Hungary

                E-mail: eotvosvolley1997@gmail.com

                Correspondence address: Eφtvφs DSE     H-4029 Debrecen, Eφtvφs u. 13. HUNGARY

                Expenses: Entry fee is 30.000 HU Forint per team (approximately 79 euro).

If you want to have part in the 29th Eφtvφs Cup , please send a photo of the team, because we want to put it into our publication. Please write me your team's name, the coach's name, the players names and birthdays, and the contact of your club (e-mail, homepage, trainer's mobilphone number, fax, post address).

The teams are to meet the charges of travel, accommodation and board.

The Eφtvφs DSE is to meet the charges of the organization. If you request, we can provide accommodation (in student's hostel: 5000 HUF/person/night + tourist tax) and board: breakfast about 1000 HUF, lunch about 1800 HUF, dinner about 1400 HUF) for you. You can do your order on the order form. In case of establishing an exchange visit (or with extra invitation card) the board and the lodging are free, you have to pay only for the entry.

By entering Eotvos Cup event, visitors accept that video and audio recordings might be made. They can be publicized by the organizer on television, on the radio, in press, on video recordings or on photos advertising and popularizing the competition and volleyball sport. All those people who can be seen on these recordings can be named. The competition committee of the league may exclude player(s) and/or teams who behave unsportsmanlikely or offensively from the league. A player excluded from the competition must immediately leave the venue of the competition and the dormitory provided by the organizer. If he is not willing to do so, the organizer can take police action. These players may not stake any claim whatsoever in connection with the use of these recordings against the organisers or the producers of the recordings.


18. 08. 2025. Beachvolley Eotvos Cup for woman
19. 08. 2025. Beachvolley Eotvos Cup for man and mix pairs
20. 08. 2025. Flower carnival, firework
21. 08. 2025.  until 11 o'clock (or earlier): Arrival of the teams: 4032 Debrecen, Jerikσ street 17.
  12.00 Technical meeting: 4032 Debrecen, Jerikσ street 17.
  11.00 - 13.00: Lunch
  13.00 - 18.00: Matches
  18.00 - 20.00: Dinner
22. 08. 2025. 07.00 - 09.00: Breakfast
  08.00 - 20.00: Matches
  12.00 - 14.00: Lunch
  17.00 - 20.00: Dinner
  20.00: Opening ceremony
  22.00: Friendly meeting and talking among the trainers, teachers, attendants
23. 08. 2025. 07.00 - 09.00: Breakfast
  08.00 - 15.00: Matches
  12.00 - 14.00: Lunch
  16.00: Announcement of the results, prize giving

Others: The 29th Eφtvφs Cup is organized according to the valid rules of the gama of FIVB. Officials will rule the different questions during the matches.


With kind regards,


Szombathy Andrαs

volleyball professional leader


Dear Addressee,
We are organizing the 29th Eφtvφs Cup, an international volleyball tournament 21st - 23rd August 2025.
To make the organization of the tournament easier for us, we would ask the following:
- You can enter for the competition by filling the entry form below and sending it back until 30th June, 2025. Please, make your entry official paying in your entry fee.
- Indicate your accomodation and boarding requirements as well and send it back latest until 30th June, 2025. Give us an exact number of participants, because no cancelling is possible.
Thank you for your understanding and your help! Have a successful training!
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Best Wishes,
                                                                               Szombathy Andrαs
                                                                               Professional leader

                                                                                     Entry Paper & Order Form

Undersigned Sportsclub (National select team, School) enters our………………………….(name of Team) ………………… (sex of team) team for the 29th Eφtvφs Cup, an international volleyball tournament.
We order the following at the tournament:
Accomodation: ….. female, ….. male, ….. female attendant, ….. male attendant, for  August….,….,….,….. nights.
Board: ….. persons, dinner, 16 August.
….. persons, breakfast, ….. persons lunch, ….. persons, dinner 17 August,
….. persons, breakfast, ….. persons lunch, ….. persons, dinner 18 August,

….. persons, breakfast, ….. persons lunch, ….. persons, dinner 19 August,

….. persons, breakfast, ….. persons lunch, ….. persons, dinner 20 August,

….. persons, breakfast, ….. persons lunch, ….. persons, dinner 21 August,

….. persons, breakfast, ….. persons lunch, ….. persons, dinner 22 August,

….. persons, breakfast, ….. persons lunch, ….. persons, dinner 23 August,

….. persons, breakfast, ….. persons lunch, ….. persons, dinner 24 August,

….. persons, breakfast, ….. persons lunch, ….. persons, dinner 25 August,

….. persons, breakfast, 26 August.

Name of the team: ……………………………………………………………………………….……
Correspondence address: ……………………………………………………………………………............
Telephone: ………………………………………. Fax: ………………………………..
E-mail: ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………..
Our volleyball section's best results in the last two years:………………………………
……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………
Our travelling team's best results in the last two years: ………………………………

……………………, 2024……………………month, …… day.
